Seeking property in Japan? Choose right property agent to avoid shocks by hidden costs on purchasing property after all! Please find basic information of the costs and taxes on buying real estate in Japan below. We are happy to assist your successful purchase of commercial property!
◎Costs at the time of purchase
・Brokerage fee ・・・(Property Price x 3% + 60k JPY) + 10% JCT when the price is 4m JPY or more.
・Judicial Scrivener fee・・・80k to 200k JPY including translation fee.
・Registration and license tax ・・・Assessed value of the property(base value of taxation) x tax rate
・Real estate acquisition tax ・・・Assessed value of the property x 3%
・Document duty stamp ・・・10k JPY for Property price from10m up to 50m JPY, 30k JPY for property price between 50m to 100m JPY.
※Vary per price
◎Running cost
※It quite depends on property detailed quotation will be presented every time.
【Usual costs and taxes】
・Real estate tax, city planning tax
・Maintenance cost, Reserve for repairs ・・・Costs for maintaining the property for sectional ownership property.
・Fire insurance ・・・To compensate for damages due to fire, lightning, explosion and/or other unexpected accidents.
・Administration of lessees・・Collection and remittance of rents, observation of the property, a point of contact for lessees, etc.→5% of monthly rents with 10% JCT.
・Maintenance of elevators ・・・Periodic inspection
・Cleaning fee ・・・ Periodic cleaning of common area.
・Maintenance cost ・・・Waterproofing of rooftop and exterior renovation every 10 years or so.
【Costs on Occurrences for examples.】
・Broken water heating à Repair/replace with owner’s expense
・Cracks on bathtub à Repair/replace with owner’s expense
・Cooker does not work à Repair/replace with owner’s expense
・Replacements are needed when the end of their life, otherwise they must be repaired.
・Death (suicide/murder/accident/illness, etc.) in the property à Requires crime scene cleaners for total deodorization.
☆Most of those unexpected cost can be claimed to Fire Insurance, strongly advised for taking out the insurance to be prepared for them.
【Costs on termination of lease contract.】
・Cost for status quo ・・・Refurbishment is needed for the next lessee/tenant.
※However, costs which are caused through lessee’s intention or negligence, are due to the lessee.
Examples of the costs due to lessee: Holes on the wall, cigarette burn, crack/broken of window glass, etc.
Examples of the cost due to owner:Discolored/yellowed wall cloth and/or tatami mat, etc.
・Advertisement cost ・・・ Cost for the next lessee. *About 2 to 3 months’ rent.
All the explanation can be given in English by our consultant, however, all official documents are in Japanese. In case you need to have them in English or other language, you need to arrange it at your end.
We can arrange professional translation/interpreter which will be additional cost to you.
Kishifudousan Co., Ltd.
【Head Office】
F-base radorf 11F, 2-5-4 Tanimachi, Cyuou-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 540-0012
TEL: +81 6 4790 1110 FAX: +81 6 4790 1112
【Kanagawa Office】
Kadokura Building 6 3F, 20-17 Minamifujisawa, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa 251-0055
TEL: +81 466 21 7065 FAX: +81 466 21 7066
Mail: URL:
- Our services ◎
General real estate business such as buying and selling, lease/rent, administration, consulting) purchasing, Insurance, refurbishment, moving, financial planning, inheritance and related support, dispose of unwanted items/waste.
・印紙税・・・・・1千万円超え5千万円以下→1万円 5千万円超え1億円以下→3万円
・固定資産税 都市計画税
・賃借人管理・・・・・・・賃料回収及び送金、建物状況確認、賃借人からの問い合わせ窓口等 月額賃料等の5%+消費税
・給湯器の故障でお湯が出ない →所有者負担で交換
・コンロが点かない →所有者負担で交換
・室内での自殺、他殺等 →室内を特殊な清掃をしないと臭いが消えない。
賃借人負担となるケース :壁に穴をあけた、たばこで焦がした、窓ガラスを割ったなど
賃借人負担になられないケース :クロスが日に焼けた、日差しで畳の色が変色したなど
株式会社 紀志不動産
〒540-0012 大阪市中央区谷町2丁目5番4号 エフベースラドルフ11階
TEL 06-4790-1110 FAX 06-4790-1112
〒251-0055 神奈川県藤沢市南藤沢20番17号 門倉ビル六 3階
TEL 0466-21-7065 FAX 0466-21-7066
メール ホームページ
◎ 業務内容 ◎